06:02 12.01.23 Receive 500920905 U35149525
RCFL +1.49 181.88 Received Payment 1.49 USD from account U35149525. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Fairmonitor from RCFL.
09:16 11.01.23 Receive 500799153 U35149525
RCFL +2.99 176.19 Received Payment 2.99 USD from account U35149525. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Fairmonitor from RCFL.
07:48 07.01.23 Receive 500228462 U35149525
RCFL +2.74 11.31 Received Payment 2.74 USD from account U35149525. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Fairmonitor from RCFL.
09:53 06.01.23 Receive 500107641 U35149525
RCFL +1.49 6.22 Received Payment 1.49 USD from account U35149525. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Fairmonitor from RCFL.
08:06 15.12.22 Receive 496661718 U35149525
RCFL +7.47 104.79 Received Payment 7.47 USD from account U35149525. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Fairmonitor from RCFL.
08:21 14.12.22 Receive 496520096 U35149525
RCFL +4.23 95.32 Received Payment 4.23 USD from account U35149525. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Fairmonitor from RCFL.
05:04 08.12.22 Receive 495682035 U35149525
RCFL +1.49 298.31 Received Payment 1.49 USD from account U35149525. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Fairmonitor from RCFL.
05:32 07.12.22 Receive 495551345 U35149525
RCFL +2.99 296.82 Received Payment 2.99 USD from account U35149525. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Fairmonitor from RCFL.
05:30 05.12.22 Receive 495239849 U35149525
RCFL +4.23 287.83 Received Payment 4.23 USD from account U35149525. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Fairmonitor from RCFL.
05:40 01.12.22 Receive 494221904 U35149525
RCFL +28.86 75.44 Received Payment 28.86 USD from account U35149525. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Fairmonitor from RCFL.
08:22 30.11.22 Receive 494024040 U35149525
RCFL +1.49 44.57 Received Payment 1.49 USD from account U35149525. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Fairmonitor from RCFL.
08:12 29.11.22 Receive 493865376 U35149525
RCFL +1.49 140.83 Received Payment 1.49 USD from account U35149525. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Fairmonitor from RCFL.
09:54 27.11.22 Receive 493578483 U35149525
RCFL +3.49 137.34 Received Payment 3.49 USD from account U35149525. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Fairmonitor from RCFL.
05:41 25.11.22 Receive 493269258 U35149525
RCFL +1.49 125.25 Received Payment 1.49 USD from account U35149525. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Fairmonitor from RCFL.
07:48 23.11.22 Receive 492976057 U35149525
RCFL +7.96 112.05 Received Payment 7.96 USD from account U35149525. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to Fairmonitor from RCFL.
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