Re: CRP Center -
09.29.16 20:53 Account Receive +22.28 Received Payment 22.28 USD from account U11274219 to account U991****. Batch: 148253973. Memo: API Payment. CRP Center // Вывод средств EXPRESS OUT260740126 // Счет BN331121648.
10.01.16 20:43 Account Receive +43.78 Received Payment 43.78 USD from account U11274219 to account U991****. Batch: 148712134. Memo: API Payment. CRP Center // Вывод средств EXPRESS OUT232784650 // Счет BN331121648.
09.29.16 20:53 Account Receive +22.28 Received Payment 22.28 USD from account U11274219 to account U991****. Batch: 148253973. Memo: API Payment. CRP Center // Вывод средств EXPRESS OUT260740126 // Счет BN331121648.
10.01.16 20:43 Account Receive +43.78 Received Payment 43.78 USD from account U11274219 to account U991****. Batch: 148712134. Memo: API Payment. CRP Center // Вывод средств EXPRESS OUT232784650 // Счет BN331121648.